


Poem – 2


Abraham Lincoln

Comprehension Questions:

A.  Answer briefly the following questions:


1) In the first line, ‘he’ refers to ______and I refers to ______.

Ans: In the first line, “he” refers to Abraham Lincoln’s son and “I” refers to Abraham Lincoln.


2) The first line, “He will have to learn” means that

a)  the son has the choice either to learn, or not to learn the values listed.

b)  the son has no choice.

Ans : (b) the son has no choice.


3) “………. all men are not just

all men are not true.” These lines convey

a)  a one-sided view of life.

b)  the harsh reality of life.

c)  Lincoln’s personal view.

Ans: (b) the harsh reality of life.


4) The statement “for every scoundrel, there is a hero” means

a)  the number of scoundrels in this world is equal to the number of heroes.

b)  for every bad person in this world, there is a good person.

c) in spite of all the wickedness in this world, there is enough goodness.

Ans: (c) in spite of all the wickedness in this world, there is enough goodness.


5) Why is it important for a child to learn that the world is also filled with heroes, dedicated leaders and friends?

Ans: It is important for a child to learn that the world is also filled with heroes, dedicated leaders and friends because child might think that the world is made up of only evil men, scoundrels, selfish people.


6) The first 7 lines emphasize

a) the value of positivity

b) the negative aspects of life

c) both the positive and the negative sides of life,

Ans: (c) both the positive and negative sides of life.


7) Pick out the line which says that hard earned money has greater value than easy money.

Ans: “That a dollar earned is of far more value than five found”, is the line which says that hard earned money has greater value than easy money.


8) What does the phrase “learn to lose” mean?

Ans: The phrase “learn to lose” means that a person should not give up if lose in any situation. One should feel no shame in losing and has to be faced with boldness.


9) In what sense is it more honourable to fail than to cheat?

Ans: If any person fail in any task is not a big issue, but cheating and achieving success is the worst than failure.


10)    a) Why doesn’t the father want his son to follow the crowd?

b)  How can this value be linked to having faith in oneself?

Ans: a) The father doesn’t want his son to follow the crowd because he wants his son should independent and earn his own name and fame rather indulging wrong whims by following others.

 b) If a person has faith in himself the he would achieve anything in his life. If he follows others then that person never get achievement what does he desire.


11) What kind of a listener does the father want his son to be?

Ans: The father wants his son to be listener and learn to filter all that he hears and identify them as true or false. Overall he wants his son should not blind believer.


12)    a) Is it possible to laugh when one is sad?

b)  What value is the writer highlighting here?

Ans: a) No, it is not possible generally to laugh when one is sad.

          b) The writer highlighting here is to share happiness and sadness.


13) What does Lincoln mean when he says, “too much sweetness?”

Ans: All fingers are not same, similarly people would speak so politely to flatter and do spoil everything later. So, he should be aware of too much sweetness.


14) What does the poet-father mean by ‘close his ears to a howling mob’?

Ans: The father does not want his son should be dragged by mob and lead himself towards wrong things. The poet wants his son should close his ears to a howling mob.


15) What is the ultimate teaching Lincoln recommends, and to what end?

Ans: “Sublime faith in him and sublime faith in mankind” is the ultimate teaching Lincoln recommends at the end.


16) Lincoln does not want his son ‘to put a price tag on his soul’. What does he mean by this?

Ans: Lincoln does not want his son to put a price tag on his soul because he does not want his son should sell himself to non-ethical ideals for huge money.


17) Why is it is essential for someone to have “sublime faith in mankind”?

Ans: To become skeptical and gloomy in life. So, it is essential for someone to have sublime faith in mankind.


18) In the line, “This is a big order”

a) What does ‘this’ refer to?

b)  What does ‘a big order’ mean here?

Ans: a) “This” refers to all the things Lincoln wants the teacher to teach his son.

          b) “A big order” means to inculcate moral values in his son.


19) When the father says, “This is a big order”, it implies

a) that the father has no faith in the teachers or the school.

b) that the father has no faith in his son’s ability to acquire these values.

c) that the task of teaching such values is too difficult for any teacher or school.

Ans: (c) that the task of teaching such values is too difficult for any teacher or school.


20) There are a few other expressions which indicate that the task of inculcating such values is not easy for the teacher or the school. Pick out the expressions.

Ans: The expressions are: “It will take time, I know, but teach him if you can, try to give my son, this is a big order, but see what you can do…”


Close Study

Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them.


1) Teach him, that for every enemy there is a friend.

     It will take time, I know;

a)  What does the first line mean?

b)  What human virtue is highlighted here?

c)  What will take time?

Ans: a) This world has not only bad people but good also. Both goodness and evil  too.

         b) Pessimistic

         c) It will take time to recognize good and evil people.


2) Only the test of fire makes fine steel.

a)  Who is this line meant for?

b)  Explain the literal meaning of the line.

c)  What human virtue is emphasized here?

Ans: a) The teacher

b) Steel becomes unbreakable when it is put in fire and becomes strong. Lincoln wants his son should become strong like steel.

c) Vigor to face difficulties.



Paragraph Writing:

Discuss in pairs/groups of 4 each, the answers to the following questions. Individually note down the important points for each question and then develop the points into one paragraph answers:


1) “Teach him to listen to all men

but teach him to filter all he hears on a screen of truth’”

Bring out the different ideas conveyed in these lines.

 Ans: People say so many things and it should be listened but accepted it as truth. As we cannot stop any from speaking but one can differentiate what is true or false. Lincoln wants his son should listen everyone but he should learn to filter what does he hear from them and facts should be accepted.


2) Do you agree with the poet when he says,

“Only the test of fire makes fine steel.”

Give reasons to support your point of view.

 Ans: It is true that until steel is heated, it won’t become strong. Similarly when a person faces difficulties then only he would become strong. Lincoln doesn’t want to pampered, he wants his son learn to face problems and difficulties then only he would learn things properly and he would become mentally and physically strong.


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